Brandling Primary School

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Breakfast, After school Clubs and Childcare Provision

Wraparound Care

Our Wraparound Care is designed for play, learning and relaxing with friends. It is held on our school site and ran by members of staff.

 Wraparound care provides childcare for children in Nursery to Y6 from the end of the school day until 6pm.

There are three options for Wraparound care:

Option 1 - 3:25pm to 4:30pm £4.00
Option 2 - 3:25pm to 6:00pm £10:00 *
Option 3 - 4:15pm to 6:00pm £7.50 *

 *Anyone wishing to book until  6pm, please contact the school office.


Wraparound includes a range of free choice activities such as:  

  • Lego
  • Colouring/ arts and crafts
  • Educational apps
  • Movies/ kids TV 
  • Reading 
  • Games
  • outdoor games (weather dependent)

Children are provided with a light tea, which is usually a sandwich, drink and some fruit. ​​Sessions must be pre-booked. Please contact the office before 12pm on the day you require a place. Payments must be made via ParentPay.  


Breakfast Club

We offer free breakfast club from 8am every morning.  This is free of charge and run by our qualified staff.  Children are able to choose what to eat from a selection including fruit juice, milk, cereal, crumpets, pancakes, toast and fresh/dried fruit. A range of activities are available including: table top activities, arts and crafts, games, lego, snooker, music and dance. Children are taken to class after breakfast club at 8.55 am every morning.

A booking system is in operation and places can be booked via ParentPay. Please speak to a member of staff in the office for further information. 


After School Clubs 

 After school clubs take place after school until 4:15pm. There are different ones to choose from each term, with many continuing throughout the whole school year. Clubs can include dance, cookery, football, dodgeball, iPad, gardening and more! They are open to children in KS1 and KS2 but you must consult the letter that you receive at the start of each term to see which clubs are available for your child at that time. Some clubs are very popular so not all children who ask will be given a place. When this happens, those children are put on a waiting list and given priority to join that club for the next term/half term (club dependent). Clubs are free, run by staff and coaches and are a great way for the children to enhance their learning though extra curricular activities. 

Cookery club is one of our most popular clubs!